Wednesday, May 30, 2007

imitation - best form of flattery??

We were watching TV last night. Me and Kutu. I was also gobbling up my dinner while watching and kutu was sitting beside me. He was trying every possible antics to keep me from eating. He somehow dislikes the idea of his mother having some food. :)
Then came a commercial break in the programme that i was watching. And he just loves these advertisement.

Some Ad featuring a mom and a little girl came up. I dont even remember the details of it. At the end of it the girl gives her mom a quick tight hug and a kiss. And almost spontaneously, instantly out of the blue, kutu came to me and gave me a similar hug and a kiss on my cheek and then a bright smile...his face glowing with happiness!!! I was pleasantly shocked. :) That little act made my day to say the least.


Tamanna said...

ooooh sweet kutu.
m telling u!! Your baby is practicing his moves. Someday he ll be an expert in stealing hearts :-D

Dunno when we ll meet him. now T also has left :( P is back. someaday ... someday ..

Suni said...

Yeah...i also felt the same. He is practicing his moves. :) :)

We will bring him to meet you sometime. ok? anyways will call you soon. :)